
A Few Thoughts on Faith and Feminism

8:53 AM
Recent events have triggered so many thoughts in my head that, as one who processes through the written word, the line of thoughts begging to be released has dissolved into an unruly mob threatening to roil out in a primal yawp. The alternative is to remain silent, and I’ve done that for long enough. I’m going to try to rein in my thoughts...Read More

Inspiration to Condemnation

5:17 PM
  Every so often, my mind begins to mull something over, creating a mental itch that won't stop until I pause and take a moment to scratch it.  Unfortunately, conditions in my daily life rarely encourage such introspection. If anything, the things in my life discourage introspection.  Being the mom of 5 kids, homeschooling them, dealing with the myriad decisions/complications/situations that arise with...Read More

The Chicago Triathlon

Chicago 11:22 PM
As a total spoiler, I threw that picture up there as proof that yes, I did the triathlon!  It was a total blast! Here's the story... Kyle and I moved to Chicago 3 weeks after I gave birth to our 5th child, and the whole process of settling into a new city and life with 5 kids in that new city created a...Read More

Turning 40 - Part 2

6:00 AM
I already told you about my blissful visit from my best friend, Emily, but that lovely experience was just the beginning! As the 40th IS a big birthday, you do feel as though you need to mark it in some way.  After very little consideration, Kyle and I signed up to do the Chicago Triathlon! The race distances included super sprint and sprint,...Read More