1 day ago
You know what they say - to every cloud there is a silver lining. You just have to look for it. Sometimes it's easier to find than others...
As a little update to our water problem, we were able (as far as we know) to pinpoint the problem and fix it. Turns out there was a little hole in our bathroom floor tiles, right at the edge of the tub. Turns out our tub is situated at a teensy angle that lets water collect at the edge and run down right into this little hole. And this little hole fed right into our foyer ceiling. Fortunately, our family is in "possession" of a wonderful carpenter/Mr. Fix It who helped us isolate the problem and fix it! He spent the last week patching our ceiling and cementing up the hole. Kyle installed a "water diverter" at the corner of our shower and we can now take showers without also showering the floor below! Praise the Lord!
The silver lining of that situation is that our Mr. Fix It is trading services with us - Kyle's gonna design him a website in exchange for the work done. AND we got to replace our foyer light fixture in the process! Yeah!
In other news, my midwife stopped by on Sunday and weighed Dorien who now tips the scales at a mighty 11 pounds, 7 ounces! And he was only 3 weeks, 3 days old at the time! Further proof that breast milk is liquid gold. And mine is apparently Fort Knox.....
More pictures of Dorien to follow tomorrow as he is - amazingly - already 4 weeks old tomorrow!
While there are some lovely family...shall we say, "auras", that have been passed down from my parents to their offspring, there is one notable curse that is finding its way from parent to child.
And I'll translate that gobbledy-gook by saying that there is a sleep spell on our houses (at least on my parents house and my own) which makes kids take extraordinarily long naps and sleep late in the mornings. This is obviously a blessing. A wonderful thing.
And there is a water curse that plagues us like the locust and frogs. This curse began years ago at my parent's house. I remember various episodes of the downstairs flooding following hard rains. Many many hours (not to mention dollars) were spent shop-vac'ing water out of the downstairs, ripping up carpet and installing fans strategically to dry the place out. Even after most of the water flow was diverted through the installation of a French drain, the curse just found its way around that.
I remember flying back from Florida one year, a few days ahead of my parents, and walking down the stairs. The moment my foot touched off the stairs onto the carpet, there was a horribly familiar SQUISH. In horror, I frantically called my parents who quickly rallied the troops (friends and water-removal people) to begin addressing the problem. Turns out the water heater had sprung a leak and was systematically filling and emptying all over the downstairs. No telling how long it had been doing that before I discovered it.
There have been other incidents where a water leak developed between a wall and it sounded like a geyser hitting the walls. This went on for days before the problem was identified and fixed.
Refrigerators have broken and poured water through the first floor down to the second floor...sheetrock just dripping from the ceiling. And even most recently, water has been streaming into my parents house via the roof connecting point of an addition to the house. Let's just say that at some point, my parents gravely offended the water fairies and justice has not yet been served.
And this curse, much like that affecting the Kennedy's, touches us kids.
Zach and Anna have had horrific, expensive water issues in their new house. They had to divert water around their house to keep their downstairs from flooding as well. And Josh and Lauren have had numerous water issues relating to pipes and yes, their downstairs flooding. They're currently dealing with old, non-existent sewer pipes and apparently are not able to flush toilet paper down the toilets! Fun stuff!
After Josh recently recounted his and Lauren's most recent tale of woe, Josh commented, you must be immune to this now, having married out. I kept silent. Not sure about this at all.
Josh was proven dead wrong when Kyle and I awoke the next morning to a huge water stain on our foyer ceiling and a puddle of water on the hardwood floors. There is a mysterious leak from the vicinity of our bathtub that we have hacked into our ceiling to investigate.
And until the problem is solved, a tiny green plastic bucket that belongs to our children is serving a noble purpose.Smushy smushy
A perfect mix of Brooklyn and August.
These pictures are almost a week ago. I am so behind in posting...
And I am sad to say that the baby zits have hit us. Shortly after these pictures were taken, my sweet little man's face was attacked by baby zits. Sigh. I know this is a burden every baby must bear, but I look forward to them going AWAY! No baby is cute with those. I'm just being honest.
I am literally kicking myself for not stopping to take a picture of what I saw the other day while driving to Sam's. Kicking myself! I'll have to make do with visual approximations.
In the parking lot of Target was parked the most ginormous RV - you know, the ones that cost about $800,000. Something a lot like what's below.
Does this not resemble an overgrown grasshopper? Just a little? If you've ever seen the Bug movie, it looks a lot like Hopper...I'm just saying...
So, just parked willy-nilly in this parking lot was the above object. And when you typically see them, they're usually hauling behind them the requisite Jeep Wrangler or something equally sporty and portable. There's usually a "type." Which makes what this particular RV was hauling more than a little unusual.
A black Suburban. No small car for this RVing family.
I almost drove off the road (in my own large black SUV) at the sight of this vehicular pairing.
My first thought was..."Good Lord, the gas they must use just to pull that thing!"
My second thought was..."What a classic picture of American oversizing."
My logical husband countered that thought with..."Ashley, they might be a family too large for a smaller car. They might have to have 3 carseats that won't fit in another car. Like us."
Oh, that does sort of put it into perspective. But still!
My third thought was..."I can't imagine changing lanes while driving that."
And along the lines of RVs...while searching for a picture of an RV, I stumbled upon this...
Yeah, that was my first thought too...Wuhaaaaa???
Apparently, they're now making these things sea-worthy...I'll leave you to ponder that.
You better believe I'm a princess. And that I put this outfit together all by myself!
My dear friend, Sarah, came to visit on Sunday with her precious kids, Sam and Lily. Sam was demonstrating a math game on his mom's Iphone. The kid is a genius! And Brooklyn just adores him.
Lily gave Brooklyn and August some wall stickers and they had a ball decorating B's door.
Look at our handiwork!!!! Lily and B are 3 days apart in age, but Lily is shooting up past Brooklyn! Makes sense...her mom towers over me! For not seeing each other all that often, they all got along great!
In the words of Kyle, You know you have three kids when you find yourself putting on new underwear right on top of the old underwear which you are still wearing.
And in my personal experience, when every day becomes All Day PJ Day because you can't find time to take a shower or put on new clothes. But you don't seem to mind because you just can't stop smiling over your kiddos.
Me and Dorien
Mommy, Brooklyn and Dorien
Lots of this goes on throughout the day...
Handsome handsome August
You know you have a good husband when he's willing to paint your daughter's fingernails. And not only that, but he's willing to take the time to paint each finger a different color.
My brood watching a movie. Well, Dorien was gazing out the window soaking up some sun.
Snug as a bug.
Contemplating life on planet earth.
Brooklyn and I are officially outnumbered.
Super cuteness....
My two little boys.
Heartbreakers, the both of them!
I know you can't tell, but Dorien is the spitting image of August as a newborn.
Be still my heart!!!
I could just eat them both up...
Mr. Serious
Ok, enough of the closeness! Give me my Mommy!!!!!