
Dorien - 4 weeks old

Dorien 1:30 PM
 Sweetness...  Getting bigger and bigger, but still as kissable and soft as ever... I realize these pictures don't show you much of his little body, but my house is chilly and right now, he needs swaddling. He still looks like an infant. Take my word for it until I get more "body" shots.  ...Read More

Silver Lining

Life 5:24 PM
You know what they say - to every cloud there is a silver lining. You just have to look for it. Sometimes it's easier to find than others... As a little update to our water problem, we were able (as far as we know) to pinpoint the problem and fix it. Turns out there was a little hole in our bathroom floor tiles,...Read More

The Water Curse

Life 8:00 AM
While there are some lovely family...shall we say, "auras", that have been passed down from my parents to their offspring, there is one notable curse that is finding its way from parent to child. And I'll translate that gobbledy-gook by saying that there is a sleep spell on our houses (at least on my parents house and my own) which makes kids take...Read More

Dorien - 2 weeks old

Dorien 10:52 AM
Smushy smushy A perfect mix of Brooklyn and August. These pictures are almost a week ago. I am so behind in posting... And I am sad to say that the baby zits have hit us. Shortly after these pictures were taken, my sweet little man's face was attacked by baby zits. Sigh. I know this is a burden every baby must bear, but...Read More

Seen While Driving

Life 10:05 AM
I am literally kicking myself for not stopping to take a picture of what I saw the other day while driving to Sam's. Kicking myself! I'll have to make do with visual approximations. In the parking lot of Target was parked the most ginormous RV - you know, the ones that cost about $800,000. Something a lot like what's below. Does this not...Read More

Dorien - 10 days old

Dorien 8:00 AM
On Sunday, Dorien was 10 days old. As of last Thursday, he was back up to his birth weight. Sleeping all the time... Getting over the jaundice... Smiling in his sleep... Waking up every 2 hours to nurse.... And making us fall more in love with him every day. ...Read More

Visitors from Van Buren

friends 4:42 PM
You better believe I'm a princess. And that I put this outfit together all by myself!  My dear friend, Sarah, came to visit on Sunday with her precious kids, Sam and Lily. Sam was demonstrating a math game on his mom's Iphone. The kid is a genius! And Brooklyn just adores him. Lily gave Brooklyn and August some wall stickers and they had...Read More

family 4:28 PM
In the words of Kyle, You know you have three kids when you find yourself putting on new underwear right on top of the old underwear which you are still wearing. And in my personal experience, when every day becomes All Day PJ Day because you can't find time to take a shower or put on new clothes.  But you don't seem to...Read More


family 4:17 PM
Handsome handsome August You know you have a good husband when he's willing to paint your daughter's fingernails. And not only that, but he's willing to take the time to paint each finger a different color.  My brood watching a movie. Well, Dorien was gazing out the window soaking up some sun. Snug as a bug. Contemplating life on planet earth. Brooklyn and...Read More

Photo Shoot!

Dorien 2:48 PM
Sleeping peacefully (and yes, jaundiced) What are you up to, Daddy??? Just watch me ignore you completely. Some perspective on the size of things. Just go away and let a boy sleep!! Mid yawn....aah... Uuuuuunnhhh...that sun... Too bright! Too bright!! Hey, mommie...better... Sigh... Cozy again. ...Read More