
Weekend Projects

DIY 7:00 AM
With a project list as big as ours, weekends are prime opportunities to make some headway. That's not to say that it's always easy. Or feasible. One of the 5 kids frequently throws a wrench into our best-laid plans. One of the 5 kids wants to be held or needs attending or feeding or changing pretty much constantly (Wilder). Or other things throw...Read More

A Fresh Farms Experience

6:54 PM
A few weeks ago, Kyle and I found ourselves on Devon Avenue. (Chicago tip: it's pronounced De-VON, not DEV-on as we started thought). Devon runs east/west all the way from Lake Michigan to the interstate.  We'd heard of Devon from neighbors...in various contexts, but one main thing we'd heard was that it was WHERE TO GO if you wanted Indian food.  I frequently...Read More


6:00 AM
Life in the city, or even a neighborhood within the city, involves trains. Much to the SUPER great excitement of my children. As a family, we drive pretty much anywhere we need to go.  But we did sell one of our cars before moving here, because we really only need one vehicle.   Kyle walks 5 minutes (3 blocks) every morning to the...Read More

Wilder is 3 Months!

Wilder 7:09 PM
Where does the time go?  That's always the question, isn't it? I can't believe Wilder is actually 3 months old today.  In a way, it seems like he should be 6 months old, so much has happened since he was born.   I have tried hard not to wish any of his sweet baby-ness away, even when having an infant slows down the house...Read More