Merrick Esther
4:57 PMRight around Christmas, the collective immunity of our little family fell apart. August and I developed a hacking cough that just about drove us crazy. His cough turned into RSV which then turned into an ear infection. Then Brooklyn caught a nasty stomach bug causing her to throw up for 24 hours and have diarrhea for days. Then she got an ear infection. Then August caught her stomach bug...and in the midst of their being sick, I hosted a baby shower for Melissa, my sister-in-law. I sent my kids over to my parents during the shower (which was a HUGE success). As Kyle and I left our kids at my parents to go to the gym, the kids visited Chad and Melissa who live next door to my parents.
Next thing I know, I get a call from Melissa on Monday evening asking just what Brooklyn's bug was like. Apparently, about 24 hours after she saw my kids, she started exhibiting the same "stomach bug" symptoms. Right about the EXACT same time, my dad, Anna, Kyle and a healthy portion of people who'd attended my shower! Turns out, this stomach bug was airborne and incredibly contagious. I somehow did NOT catch it, which was a blessing, since my whole family was bedridden.
For Melissa, that little bug may have been instrumental in ushering the next phase of her life: Motherhood.
For after she stopped throwing up, her water broke and she and Chad packed their bags and headed to the hospital! Melissa was 3 weeks early at this point, but that was also not a bad thing since her diabetes meant she could have a rather large baby. So every day that passed was a baby getting bigger and there's always the risk of having to have a C-section. So the fact that their little one came 3 weeks early was a God-thing, despite the fact that neither she nor Chad were really quite ready - the bounty from their recent showers not even unpacked or washed!
Merrick is beautiful! I can't wait to meet her in person. Oh, and thanks for that whole stomach bug thing, I think I lost 3 pounds :). Love ya, my friend!