
Science Experiments

2:58 PM

The beauty of the science program that came with Sonlight's curriculum package is that it literally came with all the materials needed to do science experiments. Well, everything except things that might spoil if they boxed them up and that I'd have in my kitchen anyway. Everything else, it came with.

And there's a Science DVD that has a guy demonstrating and explaining all these different experiments that we can observe (that's a scientific word for watch) and then we can replicate them on our own.  We have a book that goes with the DVD that guides us in our experiments.  And since we're structured, yet loose at the same time, we don't always do the experiments on our own. But MANY we do.  And this past week, there were a few that were really fun, so we even included Kyle in the process.

Ok, the real reason we included Kyle is that a) I can't blow up balloons and b) just watching the DVD part of this experiment made me laugh out loud and I wanted Kyle to experience that as well. 

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