
Here Comes the Bride

7:00 AM

Last Saturday, some dear friends of ours got married and Brooklyn and August were honored to be their flower girl and ring bearer. Or, in the case of August, sign bearer. It was an outdoor wedding at 5:30 and the kids had to be there by 2:30 for pictures. In hindsight, they didn't really need to be there until 4, but you never know, so we were there when asked to be. Here I assemble Brooklyn's sash in the parking lot. 

And could this boy be any more handsome? Seriously.

Brooklyn shared flower girl duties with her cousin, Avery, so we had an afternoon with her, too! 
We came prepared with amusements of all sorts...coloring books, crayons, ipads, laptops, snacks...

August uses Kyle's ipad to look at his favorite e-book.

Brooklyn colored in her new book, a gift from the bride and groom.

The kids were fantastic! And although it was a hot day, it was really breezy under the "barn" area where the reception was to be held.

Dorien eyes the carrot Avery is eating. He looks determined, doesn't he?

Or cute...He was DRAWN to those cakes in the background. I had to call him over to me instead.

Cause he loves me, he obeyed.

Cause I love him, I took a picture of his smushy adorableness and then kissed and kissed him.

Cute little place mats!

Anna was smart enough to bring a big blanket that she spread out and we all used it to relax. She and Avery are so lovely...

Watching the Lion King while eating apples and oranges and trying really hard not to get dirty or too undressed.

Avery had the coolest gyroscope snack holder. I was fascinated by it. August was fascinated by the snacks it held.

When picture time came, B was super ready!

August, not so much.

Cheeser....Mr. Grumpy.

He came around, though.

You gotta work off that goofiness!

Man. Wow. I'm swooning.

They both did their parts flawlessly. No flinching at all. Even Avery walked down the aisle, and she was a wild card. She wouldn't budge at the rehearsal.

Instead of a pillow, August got to carry this awesome sign. He carried it with finesse!

He knows when it's time to get down to business.

It's business time. We got him the coolest black suit, tie and dress shoes for the occasion. He rocked!

Oh, hey, it's me.

You work up a thirst in that heat!

When the dancing started, these two little ones were DYING to get out there. Matt and Jessica, the groom and bride, did this amazing choreographed dance that rocked the place out. And both Brooklyn and August ran up to me begging to go dance with them!

Brooklyn is asking August if he'll join her. 

How did I get so blessed? 

I love it.

August is such a gentleman with his sister!

And what's a guy to do when you need to eat but are also serving as a perch for your grandson? Well, that's where a wonderful woman who happens to be Anna's mom, comes into the picture! She kept Dorien distracted and Randad got some food! How I love Jan (aka Lala).

Kyle got dragged onto the dance floor by his children! I think August was mesmerized by the older people.

At one point, Brooklyn came running up to me and said, "Mommy, can I please go dance with the marry lady?" Jessica was so gracious to bestow some VERY appreciated attention on a 6 year old admirer.

Brooklyn held tightly to Jessica's hand. Matt, her groom, is to the left. He's like a brother to me. It really was  so special to be included in their wedding. 

At some point, Brooklyn became a source of great entertainment for the younger kids in attendance at the wedding. She was the official Twirler. There was actually a line for her services.

She's a fabulous big sister and role model for all the little ones in her life. I am so proud of her!

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  1. They looked like they had so much fun!! Such cuties!
