
Welcome, Singer!

1:45 PM

Last Wednesday, I woke up before the crack of dawn in order to get to the airport for my 6:55 flight to Tampa. Yeah! It was a perfect, but very long day. I flew Southwest and had absolutely no complaints. Every leg of the flight was on-time and I was fortunate enough to sit by great people and actually make some friends on the way to Tampa. 

The breeder, and my friend, Karen Brady, met me at the airport in Tampa. I gave her a check and she gave me a Golden Retriever! And some packets of extremely helpful information - everything you ever wanted to know about raising a Golden, from specifically what to feed them at the various stages of their life (including vitamins and supplements) and articles on training, etc. Karen knows her stuff.

I then turned around and got back on a plane to Houston and then home. I got back home at 7:55.

I was nervous about flying with a dog, but it was great. The puppy not only was wonderful (sleeping the whole time), but I have never seen anything elicit more smiles and conversation. 

As one of my flight-mates said, "Man, if that won't make you smile, there's something wrong with you!"

Look at that expression on my face. Scary. Bear in mind I'd been up since 4:30am.
And I really was super excited about getting this puppy.

Kids, meet our new puppy - Singer.

The kids were very sweet and very gentle. Even Dorien.

Little hands, little puppy.

My long-awaited new girl - Singer.  
Named after...you got it.
John Singer Sargent.

Singer hadn't taken advantage of our layover in Houston to potty (despite my coaxing) so I knew she would welcome the chance now.

Hey guys! 

Back at home, Singer explored the soft grass while Brooklyn, August and Dorien introduced themselves to her. And her to our yard and house. Dorien is just making sure we know there is a PUPPY in our yard.

Already looking quite at home.

Brooklyn LOVES Singer. She's helping train her, she says.
She's doing pretty good, actually!

Singer, here's your food and water bowl. Pat, pat.

Maybe we'll move it over here.

What a yummy bone filled with peanut butter!

Her crate has been pulled out of our basement, I spent an afternoon scrubbing and scouring it and it has become Singer's place. I'm not sure it adds much to the design of our room, but oh well. It is what it is.

Have you ever seen anything sweeter?

So lovely. So precious. So cuddly and sweet.

Hey Dad. What? 

Dorien takes it upon himself to find Singer's bone for her and give it to her when she chews on his toys. He's got this thing figured out. He also figured out there's peanut butter inside her bone, and I actually caught him gnawing on the bone once. But only once. More than once, I find him looking guilty with peanut butter all over his fingers...

This is one very loved dog. 

Pure joy.

Cozy time.

Singer is no dummy. She immediately claimed a "favorite" spot in the kitchen. Right in front of our a/c vent where the tiles are ice cold. 

I'll wash dishes and she'll lay her head on my foot. Or in my hands.

Dorien says, Mommy! Look! Puppy!

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  1. What a sweet puppy!! I'm so happy for you guys! Love you all!

  2. That is "pure joy" on your face! Love it.
