
A New Cousin - Ruby Kate

1:24 PM

This is the newest member of my extended family.

Ruby Kate
born at 11:46 pm
Thursday, April 25, 2013
7 lbs, 14 oz
20.5 inches long

Third child, but first daughter of Josh and Lauren

She was in all ways a surprise to her momma, who sincerely thought she would have another boy, and who also wasn't expecting to go past her due date by a few days when she'd had her previous two boys a week early. Well, Ms. Ruby had a mind of her own and decided to be born on Thursday night and to not be a boy after all. I should add here that Josh and Lauren didn't find out in advance what they were having. Lauren just gauged her expectations largely on how her pregnancy felt just like her previous two boys. 

Welcome to the family, you sweet little girl.
She makes the 12th grandchild of my Mom and Dad and a very welcome balance to the boy/girl ratio in effect.  Congratulations, Josh and Lauren!!!

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