
Turning 40 - Part 1

3:01 PM

This is the year I turn 40.  Well, actually, I already did. August 24th. 
I realize this is a monumental birthday that has the potential to carry with it some pretty serious emotional hits, but for whatever reason, it didn't bother me. I did some soul searching to make sure, but nope...no sadness, no grief at leaving my 30's, I don't feel suddenly older, I'm not going to stop and let myself go... 

It doesn't seem to make much sense to get upset about it, particularly when it doesn't feel OLD or anything. Or maybe I should say because I don't feel old! Now, when I meet a 28 year old, I officially think they're young, but come on - they are! :) 

40's the new 30...right? Just kidding. I hate that phrase.
It's just the next number in the sequence. 
I wonder if people in their 70's are saying 70 is the new 40? 

I wish I could say I felt different than I did a few months ago, but I don't! 
I hope I have acquired a certain amount of wisdom over the years; I certainly do pray for wisdom.
If life experiences are like books filling up a bookshelf, then I feel confident in saying my library is growing, but hopefully far from complete. The complexity and depth of those life experiences is certainly increasing, as I hope is my approach to handling them.   

I do feel that I am able to look at younger women, particularly younger moms, and have legitimate experience with which to counsel them, advise them, encourage them. I have been there and am still there, but I have learned so much about what it is to be a mom, a wife, a woman, a sister, a friend.

It's complex, this life we are living, and yet somehow so simplistic all at the same time.
Particularly when you're passing over big milestones.
Rather than fretting over the increasing number of gray hairs I find on my head (which, yes, was alarming starting a few years ago), I choose to accept that time passes and every year we are granted is a gift. 

I most definitely did not want a party for my 40th, and my husband knew that. My best friend, Emily, who also turned 40 this year, chose to help us both celebrate and came to spend several days with me in early August. I have to say it was a pretty spectacular gift to spend that much time with her. 

One thing I can say I have learned in the past 40 years is that true, deep friendship is a rare and wonderful thing and when you find it, you are very blessed indeed.  Emily is such a friend for me. 
Thanks to the Voxer app, we actually keep in communication with each other on a much more regular basis (daily) than we did when we lived a few miles apart in Arkansas. How crazy is that?

My moving cross-country has had the effect of drawing us closer together. We share the minutia of our daily lives with each other, cry together when life throws us tough situations, pray for each other faithfully, hash through our quandaries, struggles, questions, concerns...it's absolutely wonderful. I know I can be totally vulnerable and honest with her and she will listen, then give me wise, godly words in response. Christ is truly at the center of our friendship, and therefore the bond that much sweeter and tighter. 

When she came to visit me, the kids were still in camp during the days, so we had some normal days we shared, plus we went downtown one evening. It was so lovely. 

I had raced around to get the guest room as ready as I can at this point, and it seemed pretty cozy!

After dropping the kids at Summer Camp, I showed Emily our favorite beach.

It was a gorgeous day with some really crazy waves.

We walked around in Rogers Park so she could see the neighborhood.

We did NOT plan our matching blue t-shirts that day. 

Unloading the stroller back at the house.

We ate lunch at one of my favorite spots in Evanston - The Lucky Platter.
Wyeth chose this moment to make a particularly lovely face.

Then we walked across the street to a Belgian Chocolate shop which makes all its chocolates on sight. You can imagine the smells...

One of each, please! Ok, maybe not. Maybe just one.

Then, because you only turn 40 once and life is too short to not splurge some, we also stopped at Hoosier Mama Pie Cafe and got some chocolate pie. Back to back. We're insane!

It also decided to start pouring outside at that moment, forcing us to sit there and eat our pie. Dang. We really had INTENDED to save it for later.

We got deep dish pizza for one meal.

And one evening, we took the train downtown - just the two of us! 
I confess it was my first time navigating the trains all by myself and it was a success.
We had so much fun! 

Even though it was August, our weather was strangely chilly, hence the jackets and jeans.

Once downtown, we hit Michigan Avenue. Hello, Hancock Building!

Garrett's Popcorn is a Chicago thing, and something neither of us had tried. So...now we have!
Caramel and cheese is the combo they're famous for, and it was actually pretty good. But the cheese was really really greasy, so next time I'm probably going with just caramel.

The Lush shop was a very hands-on experience and so entertaining!

These dogs are everywhere. Every. Where.

We did quite a bit of walking that evening. Starting on Michigan Avenue, we walked south and crossed the Chicago River and went all the way to Millennium Park to see the Bean.

The River is one of the most beautiful places, in my opinion.

I love that it winds through so many skyscrapers!

The Bean is always lovely, too. I marvel at how many people flock to it. 

Gotta do it! Gotta get a picture!

Shamelessly, one of my favorite things to do, but also one of the things I rarely ever do, is go to Ghirardelli's and get a Salted Caramel Brownie Sundae. The kids and I shared one about a year ago.

It seemed appropriate that Emily and I should commemorate our 40th birthdays by indulging in one together. So we did. No regrets. Worth every penny and every mile of running required to burn those calories! 

It was hard for me to take Emily back to the airport on Saturday. Our time went too quickly, but I cherished every second of it! It made my birthday so special.

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