
Christmas Moments

family 4:31 PM
Little Avery all decked out in her Christmas frills.Merrick models her new Razorback sweatshirt from Ran-Dad & DD.Chad, Rachel and Brooklyn skype Jeremiah who is in India until next summer.My precious two - Brooklyn (almost 5), August (2.5)Brooklyn wore the scarf I knitted her and got so many compliments on it while we were out and about! It made me so happy! August...Read More

Getting Bigger

Pregnancy 4:04 PM
29 weeks, 4 days (Christmas Eve!)From the front...It's official: Time is ticking away. I am in my 3rd trimester and am going to see my midwife every 2 weeks. I have begun my Bradley Method refresher course in earnest now. Not anything official, just my own pouring over of my Bradley book and remembering the things I've used for my past two deliveries....Read More

Gooseberry Stitch Bag

knitting 2:42 PM
I've been knitting again. I can't stop myself! To make it even better, I got some gift certificates for a yarn store for Christmas! But I had actually already made this little bag, or most of it, before I got those! This project, like so many of mine, was inspired by Purlbee.com. It's the Gooseberry Stitch Purse and it's designed to hold odds...Read More

Chocolate Yogurt Snack Cakes

Cooking 2:55 PM
Oh my goodness, you must be thinking, multiple posts in one day! Don't get spoiled...I'm just as likely to get sidetracked for another month. But I'm trying to make up for my bad behavior by treating you to some good things! Recommending good books, giving you a superb recipe...Background on this recipe: This past summer, I read a book by David Lebovitz called...Read More

Enthralling Books

Books 2:16 PM
I'm currently reading a book called The Distant Hours by Kate Morton. This on the heels of her first novel which I read on our Seattle vacation: The House at Riverton. If you're looking for books to read, thick ones that drag you in and haunt your waking hours with a persistent need to steal away and continue reading, this might be an...Read More

Gauging Gauge (again)

knitting 11:24 AM
There's one aspect to knitting that I've never really mastered and that is the whole gauge thing. I mentioned this many posts back in reference to a certain Rose Pillow I knitted. Cutest little thing....little being the key word...Usually, each project you undertake comes with instructions (one hopes), the first of which is to check your gauge. What that means is to knit...Read More

Christmas and Cars

Christmas 2:28 PM
I love this season. For so many reasons, and not just because there are presents! Although those are nice, too! I love the cold weather, the barren trees, the fact that you don't have to water your yard and thus, your water bill is lower! I love that you can drink hot chocolate and wassail and hot tea to your heart's content and...Read More

Sweet Times with Good Friends

family 7:38 PM
Sadly, I have no pictures to post with this blog entry. Just tales of a great night with even better friends. I have to say that in the friendship department, Kyle and I are so so so richly blessed. I am reminded of that fact every time we spend evenings, dinners, afternoons, or even just moments with any of these friends of ours....Read More

Being Pregnant

Pregnancy 8:41 PM
I am so blessed to be pregnant again, this I know without a doubt. And I do enjoy most things about pregnancy, such as watching your body blossom with new life, feeling the baby move all the time, even having an excuse to buy a few new maternity clothes. I love how thick my hair gets and how I can take naps in...Read More

Belated Belly Pic and Stuff

family 7:50 PM
24 weeksHard to believe this ginormousness was already 2 weeks ago! Yes, I'm 26 weeks yesterday! And obviously really behind with my blogging. I've been busy putting up Christmas decorations, celebrating Thanksgiving at our Farm, baking cookies with my kids, trying to sell our 4Runner and making Christmas lists. We've been busy! And in other family news, there's another preggo, if I haven't...Read More

Fun Times in the Pacific Northwest

family 1:25 PM
Our house was equipped with a basket of rocks. Oddly enough, it was just about the kids' favorite form of play. And it was always warm near the fireplace. What could be better?Dancing on the Deck (if you're familiar with Waiting for Guffman, this move looks very much like Corky's signature dance move)I think I spotted something! (Never mind that they're turned completely...Read More

The Salish House

vacation 2:35 PM
The Salish HouseGig Harbor, Washington(low tide)This is where we stayed this past week. We were on an inlet that connected to a bay. The tide came in and out twice a day. At high tide, the water level almost touched the bottom of our deck. At low tide, you could walk out onto the mudflats and go exploring.Standing in the Kitchen - One...Read More