
Being Pregnant

8:41 PM

I am so blessed to be pregnant again, this I know without a doubt. And I do enjoy most things about pregnancy, such as watching your body blossom with new life, feeling the baby move all the time, even having an excuse to buy a few new maternity clothes. I love how thick my hair gets and how I can take naps in the afternoon and no one thinks less of me for doing so. I love snuggling up to August in bed and feeling his knees in my belly prompt the baby to kick him away. I love when Brooklyn and August fight over who gets to talk to the baby inside me. And feeling the little one seem to respond to them! I love when Kyle gives me a hug when he gets home from work, then lean over to kiss my belly hello. I love just rubbing my belly. I find myself doing it unconsciously all the time. Just patting it, rubbing it, telling this little one how I love it. I love knowing that God made my body to do this. I feel so incredibly blessed.

What I don't enjoy is feeling like a fat cow. I read somewhere how Angelina Jolie loves pregnancy because she feels ripe, lush, etc. That may be when you're a twig the whole way through your pregnancy. Which I am not! I don't enjoy seeing the numbers on the scale creep up and up and up. No matter how much weight I lose afterwards, the gaining of it is really hard on me. No judgment. It is what it is.

I hate having to pee all the time. Particularly at 1 am, 3am, 6am...when the heat in our house is on its lowest setting and our hardwood floors freeze my feet and bare legs! I wish over and over again that I had heated toilet seats. I hate having to pee at inopportune times. Such as today, when I was trying on maternity jeans at Gap and just about cried because suddenly just shifting from my knees to standing made something smush my bladder insanely. And I refuse to use mall toilets. Needless to say, we hussled out quickly.

I hate the way you constantly have to grab the waistband, pull up and do a little dance to keep your maternity pants from slipping - no matter what kind of waistband they have. And how underwire bras start digging into your ribs. But I'm just not ready to pull back out my nursing bras, sexy as they are.....Kyle's not quite ready either, I don't think.

And I will say, it's more challenging being pregnant this time of year simply because it's impossible to eat really healthy over Halloween, Thanksgiving and then Christmas! Best intentions and all...it's hard!

Sleeping is also challenging. I'm really only comfortable on my left side, but I desperately want to sleep on my stomach and will find myself waking up in the middle of the night trying to lay on my belly and it just not working.

I just have about 3 more months to go, then I'll be remembering how lovely it was to just plain get any sleep. But I'll also be holding the little one as my great reward for persevering the prior 40ish weeks and every day of nausea they represented, every pound they packed on, every bit of discomfort...it will all be worth it. So forgive me while I grunch a teensy bit about the not so fun bits. All in all, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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  1. My Ashley, you look beautiful as you always do! I hear ya on the not-go-funs of pregnancy though. As much as I LOVE pregnancy, I dislike it at the same time. Still, I really hope I get at least ONE more opportunity to bake a baby in my tummy <3

  2. This is all so true. If I had a penny for every time I had to pull up my jeans while shopping two days ago, I'd be stinking rich.

    I do miss some of my independence. Being clumsy and awkward, I am trying to stay off of stools, ladders, etc. This has been hard to rely on someone else to help me as I am rearranging our house to fit a 4th person.

  3. I know how you feel Ashley--and you are allowed to "air out your feelings" for sure--it is very hard work having a baby, but so worth it as you know. My sweet 4th baby (and final baby) is 3 1/2 months, and is blessedly sleeping through the night--and it has gone by in the blink of an eye. Enjoy your Christmas this year--thanks for allowing a peek into your world:-)

  4. I got a good chuckle from this post, but you are most definitely not a fat cow-you look darling!! Wow-only 3 months to go! It goes quickly when you aren't the pregnant one :)
