
Gooseberry Stitch Bag

2:42 PM

I've been knitting again. I can't stop myself! To make it even better, I got some gift certificates for a yarn store for Christmas! But I had actually already made this little bag, or most of it, before I got those!

This project, like so many of mine, was inspired by Purlbee.com. It's the Gooseberry Stitch Purse and it's designed to hold odds and ends of knitting paraphernalia, such as tape measures, stitch holders, place markers, whatever you need a little bag for, basically. I made this for my sister, Rachel. It was intended to be all purple, but I ran out of yarn, so picked up with the green and then used a contrasting hot pink for the little button I made. Yes, I made that little thing. Having no idea what I was doing, despite instructions, I labored for hours last night at my parents house - trying to figure out how to crochet a chain around a little round place marker. Eventually, I stumbled upon the basic gist of it and managed to pull it off, if not PERFECTLY, with a certain degree of dignity.

All while taking brief pauses to boogie the night away on Josh and Lauren's new Wii dance game. It was seriously fun. Especially when my Dad and another family friend, Jim, decide to face off. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. It was painful, it was so funny. You think you've seen hilarity, well...it's even better when you're 30 weeks pregnant and just pretending you're not in order to shake your groove thing. I may post a tiny clip later, if I can get it to work from Kyle's phone. At huge risk of mortification.

Anyway, Merry Christmas - hope yours was delightful! I know mine was!

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  1. We must be blogging at the same time-just got your comments. You have been busy! Must be nesting :) Hope to see you soon and hear about your Christmas!
