
New Books, New Authors, Happy Reading

1:37 PM

Thunder Cake

I'll have you know I should be balancing my checkbook right now, because the moment is right. Dorien is snoozing on my lap and my little station on my bed is set up and ready to go. But I found myself thinking about some books we got at the library on Friday and how much fun we've had reading them.  

The Bee Tree

Thanks to Renee at FIMBY and her list of recommended Spring Reads, I headed with my family to the library on Friday armed with a list. On that list were several books and authors she recommended, such as the Bee Tree by Patricia Polacco, and Bizzy Bones and Uncle Ezra by Jacqueline Briggs Martin, to name a few.  For her full list, look here.

Sadly, I was unable to locate all the books she recommended in the one trip, but I did end up with several books by Patricia Polacco.  Aside from the great illustrations, the names, characters and storylines of the books we read by her were funny, engaging, thought-provoking and inspiring. I will say that I picked up a book by her involving a girl with two mommies. I did not check that one out.
Rechenka's Eggs (Paperstar)

I do love finding new authors to enjoy. Books are like nectar to my family. More precisely, we are the bees and they are our flowers. They attract us either by their pretty covers, or because they were recommended to us by friends and then we get all up close and in them like a bee on a flower and if we like them, we pollinate by telling you about them.  Meanwhile, the knowledge, information, wisdom, humor, morals and lessons stick to us and we take them into our family units just like a bee to its hive and we turn them into honey - we live off the memories, they comfort us, we pull them out to remember how much we enjoyed them, we read them together and bond over them, we discuss them and learn..and personally, we store that experience and it shapes us, nurtures us, establishes a framework in our minds just like a wax honeycomb is built piece by piece by workerbees. 

I just found another link to a spring reading list that I'll pass on to you. Some of these names are familiar, but others are new. I hope you find as much joy in reading as we do and if you have good books/authors to pass along, please do so!

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  1. so funny! brandon is doing a professional growth course through his school district right now, which is a patricia polacco book club. we have about 10 of her books on our shelf currently. hope you guys are good.
