
Chickens Little

8:30 PM
It's that time of year again. If you have a local feed store, the chicks are in! That may mean a whole lot of nothing to you, but this girl has been itching to get chicks ever since we regretfully lost our Rhode Island Red, Poulet, to a local fox (or raccoon). I put it off and put it off and then decided...Read More

7 Years

birthday 7:44 PM
Newborn Some things go by so quickly that it really makes you pause in amazement. 1 year old How, for instance, is it possible that Brooklyn Reese has already been here 7 years? How is it possible that she could already be 7? I have been a mother for 7 years.  2 years old I can't begin to tell you what a delight...Read More

Taking Matters into my Own Hands...

family 7:00 AM
My kids hair grows so fast. And it's very difficult to get in to the lady who cuts our hair, so I recently decided I'd attempt to do some minor trimming on my own.  I'm not saying I'm a budding hairstylist - FAR from it. I completely recognize the limits of my skills.  Lucky for me, my kids enjoy sitting on the stool,...Read More


7:00 AM

Good Shepherd

August 7:00 AM
This past Saturday, our family had an opportunity to participate in a service project through our church. Because our kids attend church for two services (since we serve in the nursery first service), during one service they attend Covenant Kids instead of the usual class.  Covenant Kids emphasizes service projects, so our children will have the opportunity to experience hands-on sharing of God's...Read More

My Famous Husband

6:00 AM
Since Kyle works in advertising, he occasionally is asked by local TV stations to weigh in on various things. In particular, he was on TV talking about the commercials shown during the Olympics. And since commercials are synonymous with this past Sunday's recent major sporting event,  he was asked to talk about his top three favorites and three least favorites! He watched the...Read More

A Birthday Surprise!

birthday 5:11 PM
This past Saturday, it was the birthday of someone very very special to me.  My father. Dad. Randy. While my Dad has been without a doubt the World's Best Father to me and my siblings, it became clear Saturday that he was very special to a great many others as well.   My mom planned a surprise party at her house to celebrate...Read More