
A Birthday Surprise!

5:11 PM

This past Saturday, it was the birthday of someone very very special to me. 

My father. Dad. Randy.

While my Dad has been without a doubt the World's Best Father to me and my siblings, it became clear Saturday that he was very special to a great many others as well.  

My mom planned a surprise party at her house to celebrate the 60th birthday of her husband, our Dad. She invited lots of people, and because my Dad truly is so special and has meant so much to so many people, almost all those people showed up.  Which means that when he opened the door to his house, expecting to see his kids and his grandkids for our standard cake and birthday song, he was shocked to hear the voices of over 60 people (not even counting kiddos) welcoming him home. 

The house was literally overflowing with bodies.  Not to mention the little ones tripping over each other.

My mom and the daughters had prepared a huge table of food for the guests, and for hours and hours, people ate, visited, hugged my Dad, shared their love for him and enjoyed fellowshipping with dear friends.

It was a wonderful night, and I was almost moved to tears to see my Dad's eyes fill up with tears at the surprise of it all. 

I could and probably will do a post later on my Dad and all he's meant to me, but let's just say for now that he is truly one of a kind. And I am honored and blessed to be his daughter.

Praise God for blessing him with 60 years of life and may he be blessed with many, many more wonderful years.  I love you, Dad!

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  1. Your dad is an awesome man. I am blessed to have had him as a boss.
