
Good Shepherd

7:00 AM

This past Saturday, our family had an opportunity to participate in a service project through our church. Because our kids attend church for two services (since we serve in the nursery first service), during one service they attend Covenant Kids instead of the usual class.  Covenant Kids emphasizes service projects, so our children will have the opportunity to experience hands-on sharing of God's love in the community.

Last Sunday, Brooklyn came home super excited about going to Good Shepherd Nursing Center on Saturday to "tell people who don't think Jesus loves them, how much Jesus really does love them!" She was emphatic about our participation in this event. I really love this girl.

Since the event fell smack during nap-time, Kyle took Brooklyn and August, and I stayed home to put Dorien down for his nap. Kyle told me all about it and took the pictures.

Is there anything more heart-warming than that picture of August hugging Ms. Marie? 

Turns out there was a great turnout from our church - TONS of families came, tons of kids as well as tons of seniors! Music was provided, they did a craft and there were snacks. But the most important thing was that the kids were able to hug on some sweet elderly people and make them feel the warmth of God's love.

August and a new friend show off the heart pillows they put together. Brooklyn and August were so proud of what they made with the residents. 

I can't tell you how proud I am of the members of my church for taking the love of Christ in a super practical way to the community. And for teaching that to my children. That is so important. It is the essence of the church.

Just look at the joy on those faces. Old, young, it doesn't make a difference. 
Kyle said Ms. Marie was a feisty one, and clearly she found a buddy in my children. 
I am so proud of them.

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