Shades for the Library
5:58 PMAfter months of tolerating the afternoon sun streaming through my shade-less windows and drenching me in sweat, I broke down and ordered some shades from JC Penneys - the unsung hero of the blinds world. And I confess, I have also fallen in love with a little bistro set from there and a torquoise lamp which I purchased for my turquoise room. Kyle finds it funny that I refer to it as my turquoise room, because we have yet to paint it said color. That's because I'm biding my time for extra cash to get the paint! Anyway, like I don't keep myself busy on other projects. I have a list for each room of our house.
Meanwhile, the blinds in the library took priority because when I have the opportunity to work for DD&F, I absolutely can't do it while sweating. SO - enter the new blinds. And best of all - they work. Problem solved. Check that off the list!