An Uncommon Bond

12:44 PM

I just finished my quiet time for the day (the time when my house is silent except for the whir of the air conditioner or birds chirping...Brooklyn is asleep...the dogs are's just me, my steaming mug of tea (yes, regardless of the temp outside!), my Bible, my memory verse book, my prayer journal and my current Bible study. Sounds like a lot of things with me, now that I look at it. In any case, it's my moment with God. My alone time with God.

Today, I studied the friendship of David and Jonathan. Two men who were uncommon friends - joined together by a common bond: the Spirit of God. It's been years since I looked closely at the friendship between those two. Against great odds - Jonathan's dad was trying hard to kill David - the two men recognized a common thread in the other - they each loved the Lord and knew that God had a plan deeper than the two of their lives. My study today (Beth Moore's 90 days with a Heart Like His) highlighted 3 characteristics of an uncommon friendship:

1) Uncommon friends can speak their minds without fear.

Be willing to listen, let insults blow by when you know there's more going on in their hearts and you just need to get to the truth. Allow your friends to speak their fears, even when you can't understand- this is part of an uncommon friendship.
2)Uncommon friends can share their hearts without shame.
My husband, Kyle, has a group of friends (the Fellas) who are closer than I have ever seen men be. It is inspirational and humbling to see these men hug for longer than 2 seconds, to genuinely tell each other they love each other, to beam with affection at one another, to cry with each other during rough times and bow their heads together in prayer for each other and their families. I can imagine how God's heart must have welled up as he watched David and Jonathan cry together and hug in parting. This is what I feel when I watch the Fellas. Vulnerability with dignity.
3) Uncommon friends can stay close even at a distance.
Praise the Lord for this one cause I feel many of my dearest friends are long-distance. And I believe these friendships succeed despite distance because our souls connect on the deepest level possible - we are fellow believers, fellow sojourners for the Lord, fellow sisters in Christ.

I cherish my uncommon friends for it is truly a blessing from the Lord to be able to be vulnerable, share my fears and my concerns knowing I'm safe and be assured that neither time nor distance will diminish the bond between us. Why?

Because a cord of three strands is not quickly broken. You and me and God = 3.

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