
3:28 PM

Day 2 of being sick has passed without much drama. It has been a remarkably cool, fall-ish feeling day outside and it's now softly raining - enhancing the sleepiness which has settled over my household.

August is still running his fever, but it's held in check with Motrin. Brooklyn's fever has yet to get as high as August's, so I'm hoping the Tamaflu is influencing that in a positive way. August has been sleeping now for HOURS, which has allowed me to sit with him on my bed and balance my checkbook, do 3 days worth of Bible study, write in my prayer journal, pay some bills and pray. What a restful way to spend an afternoon.

Currently, he's STILL sleeping and Brooklyn just woke up and is watching the all-time best "sick" movie - Anne of Green Gables. I don't mean the movie is "sick", but that it's the best movie to watch when you yourself are sick. It's what I always crave when feeling under the weather, and just now, B requested it, so I complied.

Thanks for everyone's calls, emails and general demonstrations of caring. I am blessed to have you in my life.

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  1. Thinking of your little guys today. The doc is pretty sure I had pig flu a few weeks ago, it wasnt pretty. Let me know if you need something!
