The Room Awaits its Occupant

7:40 PM

Not only did Sunday contain a baby shower, it was also the arrival date for our Rwandan student! After the baby shower was cleaned up and Kyle came back with the kids (they went swimming), the kids and I crashed hard.

Several hours later, fully rebooted, we all three awoke completely excited about heading to the airport to meet our Rene! Kyle made a sign with RENE boldly printed and Brooklyn had big plans to carry it in the airport and wave it high!

But first, I had to make sure the room was cozy and welcoming. Hopefully, it was for him after his hours and hours of flying from Rwanda to the US. More pictures tomorrow for you of the actual arrival and our new friend!

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  1. I love all the new photos! Your house looks great with the new flea market finds :) Can't wait to see the photos with your new house guest. I'm sure he'll love his room!

  2. The room looks GREAT! So cozy and modern. He's LOVING it I'm sure!
