A Week at the Farm (Part 1)

10:24 AM

After what seems like months and months, it was time for a break from everything and a trip to the Farm.
With the end of the World Cup (which kept Kyle super busy as U.S. Soccer is a client of his), we were ready to relax. And for a whole 9 days, the Farm was all ours. 

I brought a few projects (baby books to update, photo books to update, a sewing project and books). Kyle brought absolutely nothing. So he could just relax. Which meant we pulled out lots of puzzles. Turns out we all love puzzles.

The weather was so amazing. It did NOT feel like July. It was actually cool! 
Not too cool for the kids to play in the pool, though.

August celebrated his 6th birthday on July 17th!

Dorien went naked the ENTIRE week and was potty trained in 2 days! Woo-hoo!!!!

Wyeth ate his fair share of grass and dirt.

Avid readers, all of us, we each had our favorite reading spot.
For Brooklyn, it was either in the hammock or in a chair with Singer close at hand.

A very happy Me and Wyeth.

Our first completed puzzle. It was very shimmery and 3D.

August really liked working puzzles. He and Brooklyn would pop in and out to study the puzzle, connect a few pieces and then run back out to play.

Daddy got LOTS of Wyeth time. It was really good for them.

Once you get going, it's really hard to break away...puzzles are addictive.

My precious children each with a book. Fewer sights bring me more joy.

Brooklyn was reading a Trixie Belden book and August a Beverly Cleary.

Ralph S. Mouse.

Naked heinie on a tire swing. Good times.

We three swing.

Joy riding in the Barbie Jeep.

Beautiful Brooklyn actually fits in the little kid swings. 

August takes care of swinging his littlest brother.

So lovely.

This puzzle took us much longer. It was over 1,000 pieces and did not have a picture on the box to follow. You had one image, but were working a picture of the same scene from a different angle. It was a fun challenge.

Just a couple of boys in a hammock.

Hey, blue eyes!

We have a friend in Monticello who has a garden large enough to stock a Kroger. He was kind enough to let us come over and pick our fill. We got tons of tomatoes, eggplants, melons, etc. It was delicious and the perfect food for the Farm.

And then there was this guy. An eggplant with more personality than any other vegetable I've encountered. 
Have you ever seen an eggplant with a nose?
Now you have.

I kept this guy around the whole week just to keep me company in the kitchen and to make me smile.
Eventually, I had to eat him. And he was delicious.

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