Cousins at the Zoo
3:33 PM
A few weeks ago, a nearby church had a vacation Bible school that I thought might be fun for the kids. I didn't realize that Dorien was too young to go, which just about fit his summer experiences up to that point. Poor kid. His cousin, and also our neighbor, Tagg, was having the same kind of summer. So on the last day of VBS, Aunt Anna did something extremely nice and took Tagg and Dorien to the zoo. Just the boys. They had a blast.
Tagg is a few months younger than Dorien, and they have begun to really enjoy hanging out over the past few months. It's been a process, because for so long, Tagg attached himself to the "older kids", Brooklyn and August, and didn't see Dorien as a playmate. That seems to be changing.
The two of them are in the same class at church, too, and I have seen them becoming more like buddies this summer.
Good times and photo opps abound at the Little Rock Zoo!
When it came time to choose positions for this photo, Dorien informed Tagg that "he could be the woman." Tagg agreed, and they make a hilarious pair!
Meanwhile, as animals were being seen by Dorien and Tagg, I was overseeing the VBS wrap-up festivities that involved a whole auditorium of screaming kids and a chicken. It also involved one of the more chaotic "pick-ups" I've ever seen...I'm sure there will be no shortage of parents suggesting a different format next year.
We managed to safely exit with all the right kids - including cousin Avery. And we pulled in a friend for a picture. Ah, VBS. The smell of church hallways, animal crackers, juice boxes and sweaty kids. Some memories never fade.