Chicago Hotel

8:00 AM

We country bumpkins stayed at the Residence Inn on Dearborn and Hubbard. Superb view and great rooms! They served a continental breakfast (from 6-9) and my kids slept through every one. E-V-E-R-Y  ONE!!! This great place also had an evening "Manager's Special" where they basically served you free dinner plus beverages (including beer and wine!). We did manage to make that a few nights just to tide us over till our "other" dinner. 

 Look at this - genuine home-schooling taking place. Was it hard to work with such a great view outside? Well, yes. Did we manage? Yes.

 Pretty pretty.

 A couch made out into an extra bed for Brooklyn and August. There was a kitchen for us to use, a little desk...perfecto!

Momma, Daddy and Dorien's sleeping spot. 

Dorien's favorite feature was the mirrored closet. He spent a good deal of time trying to figure it out. 

And this is me trying to blog for DD&F while the kids romp around the room like little kangaroos. 

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