
The Baby Stretch

8:00 AM

I distinctly remember being pregnant with Brooklyn and August and reaching the point where their tiny bodies inside mine reached capacity.  I knew this point had been reached when I felt equal pressure and movement from my ribs to my pelvic bone. Apparently, we hit that point with this little one last night. 

As I attempted to get comfy, wrestling with blankets and body pillows, I felt a marching band rev up in my belly. A foot or something tapped the beat on my ribs, literally kicking my breath away. On the other end, a hand or something hoisted an imaginary baton and beat rhythmically on my bladder. It took a few seconds of this for me to a) give up and run to the bathroom and then b) get down on all 4s and do some pelvic rocking to move this little one out of its position! 

As active as this baby is...and sometimes it's to the point of me getting embarrassed by how much my stomach jumps around in public...last night was a first. I only hope the wigglings position things correctly for birth, rather than getting it all whomper-jawed in there. 

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  1. You're getting closer! Nothing like a new baby. Can't wait to see....Love you.
