
My Latest Knitting Project

8:00 AM

This hat was knit for a 10 year old little girl who picked out the colors. I refuse to take credit for them. They would not be my first choice. I am also not 10.  

Using the same pattern from Last Minute Knitted Gifts that I used for Brooklyn's hat, I whipped this out in about 3 hours. I may go into the hat knitting business. Any takers?  

 Have you ever seen a cuter model?

Or cuter green pom-poms? Those I was very proud of because I had such a hard time with them when I did Brooklyn's hat. The second time around they were much easier.

Given the colors allotted to me, I am actually quite happy with the final product. It's peppy! It's bright! It's got little girl written all over it! 

And, most importantly, it was knit for a dear dear lady whose great-granddaughter will be the recipient. And I can't imagine anything better than knitting for someone you love.

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  1. I'm blinded by the color (a 60s flashback), but full of admiration for your skill. Thinking about you lots as the Big Day approaches. xoxox Lynn
