
Valentine's Day In Memorium

11:33 AM

I've spent the last few minutes reading about how other people spent their Valentine's Day. Yeah, I know it was over a week ago. But it got me thinking about how I spent mine. Unconventionally, that's for sure! 

My beloved and I had grand plans to go eat dinner at a nice restaurant by ourselves, but as the day dawned, neither of us could really work up the energy to get a babysitter, get dressed (that was mostly just me), and really go out.  We had a two-fold plan - we'd drag the day out by doing a two-part date. One night, we'd go to dinner. Another night, we'd go see a movie we've both been really wanting to see: The King's Speech. 

Uh, well, what did we actually do? Well, Kyle started off the day right by leaving me his standard mirror note, but with a twist: He gave me more "I Love..." cards.  So far, my box of these cards is getting pretty full - a testimony to my love's romantic nature and endless supply of creativity.  Then the day proceeded as usual: Mondays are always my house-cleaning day. As romantic as that may be...

Kyle came home from work (after a quick run to the store to buy helium balloons for our sweet kiddos) and found me all decked out in his comfy pj pants (cause it's all that I can fit into) and a long-sleeve t-shirt and a list of items I needed from Kroger. So, yes, our Valentine's Day was spent in Kroger, as a family, laughing our heads off as Kyle drove the kids in the race car cart, careening around the aisles as I stocked up on milk, eggs, bread, peanut butter and the piece de resistance....a frozen pizza for dinner. It was not my finer moment as a wife. But it did give me a feeling of peace as I crashed that night, knowing we had breakfast materials for the next day. 

And we did end up having the first part of our date - dinner at SO, wrapped up with their fantastic "Chocolate Box" for dessert. Part 2 is still pending. It may be delayed until baby has arrived. I'm not sure I can sit still the full length of a movie these days.

But be not dismayed by my Valentine's tale...it was perfect in its way. I had my husband, my two kids, a stocked pantry and a pretty empty Kroger in which to act up without feeling self-conscious. It was pretty nice.

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  1. This post makes me cry. In a good way....

  2. Sounds like a wonderful Valentine's Day! I've been thinking of you and praying for you that your little one would come soon!
