
Happy Birthday, Brooklyn!

12:49 PM

5 Years old TODAY! Ever the Princess...

Newborn Brooklyn - February 18, 2006

9 months old

10 months - her first Christmas!
2 Years Old!

3 Years Old!

4 Years Old!

This day is an anniversary of one of the best days of my life. When I became a mother to this absolutely perfect, precious little girl. It was the moment when my life suddenly was given a dramatic jolt of clarity - this is my purpose. I can't wait to be this little darling's mother. And every day since then has been a greater exploration of that purpose as I fall more and more in love with my little darling. 

Happy Birthday, sweet baby girl. You'll always be my Itty B. 

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  1. Always fun to read your blog! I check it almost everyday to see if you have any news...especially now that the time is drawing near!

  2. Happy Birthday, Brooklyn! Sorry we had to miss your party, but I'm sure it was a blast! You are a sweet, little girl and we're proud to know you.
