
A Big Boy's Room

8:00 AM

The Guest Room....which is to be August's Big Boy Room...

Another aspect of the Guest Room...

The Transformation to Modern Big Boy Room!

We pulled out the bed that was in there, sold the dresser and desk (and the matching twin beds that used to be Kyle's as a kid) and replaced them with something brighter and more modern! 

I love the mustard color bubble quilts from West Elm that we paired with some West Elm sheet sets (the blue honeycomb and the grey stripe)!

The room is not yet complete, but getting closer! We have a rug in mind that we're saving up for and someday, there will be window treatments. 

A little reading nook for our August. It isn't complete, either, but a decent start!

An extra bed for Brooklyn, Mommy, Daddy, a friend. It's important to be prepared. Oh, and then there's the symmetry factor.

On a cold winter's day, an extra quilt is always a good idea. This was August's first time to sleep in his Big Boy Bed. Well, almost his first time. He didn't end up finishing his nap here because his big sister next door made so much noise he couldn't go to sleep. So he ended up back in my bed. Baby steps.

My camera battery died before I could take better pictures of the room's features, so that will follow.

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  1. I love his room! I'm so glad you gave us a tour of the updates to your house-very fun!
