Christmas Cheer

8:44 PM

Who can be a Scrooge with these cheery faces? Ok, I confess. I've been feeling a teensy bit Scroogy. Not about Christmas, per se. But about how much money I'm having to spend. And that makes me Scroogy. As if the stock market plummet doesn't hurt enough, I'm swiping my credit and debit cards like I'm playing the slots. One of my constant struggles is trusting the Lord. Particularly in regard to providing for us. I don't know why. He's NEVER once let me down. We always have exactly what we need, whether it's for a bill that's due or for an unexpected appliance breakdown. But this year, every time, it seems like expenses pile up in an astronomical way. This month, our mortgage payment comes out twice in one pay period. Ouch. My heater had to be repaired. The car was in the shop. We have to buy oodles of gifts. My annual termite bill and several insurance policies come due. And taxes start creeping into my mind.

What should I be focusing on? Oh, let's see. Perhaps where my priorities really lie. Is it money? Maybe I'm trusting in that a little too much. I've been so good to teach my little girl that this season is a celebration of the birth of our Jesus. That all this festivity is His birthday party. And yet I secretly worry about seeing the balance on my accounts drop. I'm not truly celebrating. I'm a party pooper of the worst kind. My poor husband has watched my moods swing up and down over the last few days as I pay bills and balance our checkbook, moving money around to make sure everything's covered. Thinking about how the balance used to be so much higher! Remembering all those fat bonuses I got when I worked full time. Knowing those aren't coming!

Father God, I confess to you that I am not trusting you. But I want to! Help me trust You! Of all times when I should not be focusing on me, I find that I am. Me and my worries about things that you promise to take care of. Please forgive me! And restore unto me the joy of my salvation - the joy that began with the birth of your precious son many years ago. Set before my eyes an immovable image of the true meaning of this holiday. Just as the wise men dropped everything to follow a star to find you, so I drop all my worries and concerns down at your feet in order to refocus my gaze on You. Merry Christmas, my precious precious Savior.

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  1. Girl, I hear ya! We just paid off our Ford Escape, just in time for the transmission to go. Merry Christmas to us!

    But you're so right. The Lord has never once left us hanging. If He loved us enough to send His son to die, surely He loves us enough to provide all our needs.

    I miss you.
