P90X Pics

1:14 PM

We have officially completed our 90 days of P90X, but have decided that we're having too much fun to stop! We're starting round 2. I was checking online at Beachbody.com and apparently, that's pretty common. So, we're chilling for a week or so and then hopping right back into it. We have definitely seen results and are looking forward to even better results. I tried to see what other people were doing on the Beachbody message boards, but got so overwhelmed with how much was out there that I gave up. Maybe later. Anyway, here are our before and after pictures. We have yet to actually measure ourselves to see the difference in actual numbers, but we both feel better, look better...our clothes are getting baggy and we're happy! And we still have a life! Haven't stopped doing any of our normal things...although working out has always been one of our "normal" things.

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  1. You look incredible! My husband and I started p90 a little while back but I didn't stick with it. He's gotten amazing results and hasn't ever stopped doing it either. Here's my question..what did you do if you had to skip a workout? Did you go back and do the one you missed? or did you just do that days workout? also, did you write everything down in the worksheets they provide (that seemed like too much work) lastly, did you follow the diet too?
    Good work. I'm totally motivated to start up again..

  2. Oh, my gosh. You guys look awesome. I so want abs and arms like that. Can't wait.

  3. Haydee, Thanks!! Ok, since the 7th day is either X-stretch or rest, if I missed a day, I made it up on that day. We tried really hard to NOT miss, even on Christmas Day! And I did record everything. It gave me something to work past, if that makes sense. I would have it beside me as I did my push-ups or pull-ups and force myself to do at least a few more than I'd done the previous time. It was helpful, too, to know what weights I'd previously done. As for the diet, no, I didn't follow exclusively. Nor did we use the supplements, vitamins or protein powder they recommend. Truthfully, had I followed the diet plus the other stuff, I'm sure our results would be even more impressive. But I'm currently breastfeeding, so I was hesitant to take any supplements. And I used the diet they provided as more of a guide. It seemed expensive to follow the diet to the letter, plus I don't eat as much meat as they recommend. It was helpful for snack ideas, meal ideas, etc. I'm hoping I'll be better about the food part this next time around. Don't give up! Setting your mind to it is 90% of it, I'm convinced! Good luck!!!

  4. You have a very beautiful house....I agree with you about homes all looking the same..I visited a friend the other day that lives in a sub-division here in Atlanta...We drove in and couldn't find her house, every single house looked the same...I love a good mixture of style, I just wasn't fond of that modern looking house Liz had posted...Not on the same street as a beautiful tudor....your children are adorable and I love the name Brooklyn....Sue

  5. Can you fly through the air with the greatest of ease?

  6. Hello, Ashley! This is Candy Johnson (Kyle's wife) and I've been keeping up with your blog from North Carolina. Please tell the entire Dennis Fam we said HELLO! I'm so impressed with the results you got. We work out constantly, but I just can't seem to finely tone up. I got the videos from a friend, but I'm trying to figure out how to get the forms (the calendar, the sheets to fill out as your work out) Anyways, do you happen to know the link or the website they are located on? I've looked on the p90x and the beachbody.com websites and I can't find them. Thanks so much, and give Brooklyn and August a kiss from the JOhnsons!
