Kentucky Vacation - Days 1 & 2

7:16 PM

Last Friday, Kyle and I began our much anticipated vacation/wedding trip. Wedding trip in that our dear friend, Rick, Zach's best friend and a brother in every way but blood, was getting married, and there was no way any of our family would miss it. He has been a member of our family since Zach hauled him home many years ago after they met at Summit. The wedding was taking place in Lexington, Kentucky, a place that Kyle and I had visited a few years ago on business and really enjoyed. So, since we had to go to Kentucky anyway, it made perfect sense to turn it into a vacation for the three of us before this baby is born!

And let me tell you...long hours in a car are miserable if a) you have a very unhappy 2 year old in the backseat wailing because her bum has probably gone to sleep after HOURS of sitting in the same spot and b) you're 33 weeks pregnant. Neither B nor I could get comfy. I squirmed and felt like crying as Brooklyn was doing.

We stopped as many times as we could manage and still make it to Lexington in time for the rehearsal dinner. Which still wasn't enough. Between my bladder and Brooklyn's wailing, it was a very long 9 hours. Man. Very long.

But we made it and managed to check into our hotel and change clothes in the nick of time. Then, the wedding was the next day - a gorgeous affair with a marvelous reception on the property of Rick's family. Wow.

Lexington - Horse Country - is one of my dream locations. Miles and acres of green fields, black fences, estates and horses, horses and more horses. Tons of mares with foals....Brooklyn and I were in heaven. She loves horses as much as I do, and we both ooh'd and aah'd! She kept saying "MY horse! I ride my horse!"

After the wedding, we took advantage of the hotel's pool to relax and unwind. Brooklyn was delighted to finally get to wear one of her swimsoups as she calls them. I was less ecstatic about putting mine on. I borrowed a maternity swimsuit and I don't care what people say - they are just not flattering. Ugh. But, they do the trick. More on our vacation to follow....

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