Baby's First Picture

8:37 AM

Three + One = FOUR FLOYDS

6:54 PM

A Crazy Little Cat Named Moe

6:40 PM

B's Christmas

6:21 PM

The Meaning of Christmas

6:02 PM

Opening Gifts with Kara

5:57 PM

Sometimes there is Snow

5:47 PM

Pink Floyd

5:39 PM

Christmas Dress

5:33 PM

A Perfect Afternoon

5:29 PM

A Girl and Her Dog

5:22 PM

My two favorite peeps

5:18 PM

Auntie Kara

5:08 PM

When did this happen?

4:59 PM

Cuddling on the Couch

4:39 PM

Back up, Cherokee!

7:43 PM

Boogie Down

12:40 PM

Stormy Grey

Decorating 4:26 PM

It is Finished

knitting 4:21 PM

I wish for you...

3:58 PM

A New Bed

3:51 PM

Time with Friends

3:36 PM

A Thankful Heart

3:12 PM

Helmet Smooches

8:17 AM

Brooklyn & Uncle Josh

7:58 AM

Out the Window

3:55 PM

A Never Ending Process

3:39 PM

Taking Advantage of the Scenery

3:34 PM