
8:44 PM

I rarely recommend movies to people. I realized long ago that while I might like something, it might be horrible to someone else. And so I may state my own love of a movie, but rarely tag on a recommendation of any kind.

As some of you may know, I'm currently in the process of leading an apologetics Bible study. Literally a study that began with the evaluation of the existence of a God, from both a philosophical standpoint and a scientific standpoint. And moving into a study of different religions. I was told by several people that given my current research-minded quest, I had to watch Ben Stein's new movie, Expelled. I was told this by enough people that I listened. And found the thing at Red Box of all places! So Kyle and I just watched it tonite. It was truly fascinating. Compelling, stimulating, terrifying (the implications) and a call to action all in one. I HIGHLY recommend this one. Whether you believe in God or not, this is one to watch. If for no other reasons, to know where our country is headed in terms of academic freedom, and as a direct result, in terms of basic human freedoms. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Check it out.

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  1. Paul and I JUST watched that this past weekend and we LOVED it. I was both horrified and intrigued when he was able to bring it back around to the Holocaust and things of that nature. Unbelievable.
