My Men in Argyle

6:18 PM

There are certain times I do things by coincidence or maybe it's all subconscious. If so, that means my mind is working away like crazy on the down-low. For example, I have these brightly colored Ikea plates, bowls, cups and utensils which are used by Brooklyn. Almost without exception, I will grab a plate or bowl first, then a few minutes later just snatch a fork or spoon out of the utensil bowl without really paying attention to what I've grabbed. Just about EVERY time, the utensil is the same color as the bowl or plate I've already given her. So, it's gotta be subconscious, right? Another example. I get everyone dressed in the morning and we go somewhere. People comment on how we're all either wearing green, blue, brown, stripes, etc. I have completely matched us with absolutely NO cognitive awareness of trying to do so! Another recent classic example is a few Wednesdays ago as I got everyone ready for Bible study. I should interject here that I don't dress Kyle. Well, not always, anyway. In fact, in this instance, he came home from work and just hopped in the car with us. Turns out, he was wearing a new argyle shirt I'd gotten him. And lo and behold, I'd dressed little August in his brand new argyle sweater! Coincidence? I wonder... In any case, my two men looked crazy handsome.

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