
6:01 PM

Ever heard of it? Apparently there are infomercials for it late at night. But having basically no channels and rarely ever turning on my tv, that's not where we heard of it. We have a friend who's used it and really liked the program. It's essentially a 90 day work out program designed to kick your bootie and get you in fantabulous shape. There are actually 3 different types of the 90 day program, so you can theoretically pick your program. And being the workout fiend that I am, it appealed to me on many levels. SO, after experimenting with a few of the workouts, Kyle and I bought the program. 12 DVDs of serious workouts. Designed to move your body up and through the usual plateaus and transform your body. Day One for us was Monday. We started out with a killer chest & back workout followed by the Ab Ripper X. Oh, my abs were crying. Today was an hour of plyometrics. Felt that one, too! An hour of squat jumps, leaping and landing like a cat...or after an hour, like a dead weight...

We did take "before" pictures, but no way am I posting those here until we have some really good "after" photos to compare!

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  1. I saw that program on TV and IMMEDIATELY thought of you...funny. Paul and I are curious about it too, but I wonder, are you going to follow the diet plan? I was worried how that might affect my milk supply.

  2. My husband and I have it too. We started doing the classic program together and I have not stuck with it at all my husband has though and has lost about 15 pounds in 4 weeks and he looks awesome, it's much easier for men though. His muscles are all back and getting bigger..everyone is noticing the changes. I had my doubts but literally all our friends are asking him what he's doing. He's not following the diet but he is limiting his calories..I sometimes do the yoga but I am definitely going to do the program for the full 90 days.
