Etch A Sketch

1:00 PM

Yesterday, my mom accompanied the three daytime Floyds to an estate sale. We were smart and got there just after it opened. I knew we were smart cause we were browsing amidst flea market buyers. I perked my ears up when I heard this one woman gasping at the low prices and telling her accomplice how much she could mark the items up for in her booth. She grabbed some stuff and I listened. She picked up this one juice jar and then said she loved it but didn't need more of I grabbed it. :)

As we maneuvered through the different rooms, Brooklyn took turns holding hands with me and my mom (DD). When she was with DD, I would occasionally hear her little voice chirp, "THIS IS FOR ME!!!" Rarely did that turn out to be the case. Except when she grabbed a familiar, red framed object that turned out to be a working Etch-A-Sketch. I said, you know what, B? That IS for you! It was $3 and we are loving it! I'm a bit rusty on the skills, but practice makes perfect.

I hope you can see in this picture the names of our little family - like I said...I'm rusty.

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  1. Aaaaw... I miss the Etch-a-sketch. We have two Magna Doodles, but they're just NOT the same.
